Visual Effects

  • CG Integration

    • Multi-pass compositing CG renders into live-action plates, matching lighting, grading, motion-blur, depth-of-field, film grain, etc
  • Greenscreen/Bluescreen 

    • Keying footage shot on Green/Bluescreen and integrating with other plates
  • Screen Inserts

    • Track and composite graphic/footage inserts into Cell Phone, Monitor, Smart Watch, Televisions, etc
  • Blood / Wound / Bullet / Muzzle Flashes / Smoke

    • For weapon fighting scenes, we create elements and integrate them believably

Paint / Rotoscoping

  • Rig / Wire Removal

    • Painting out rigs or wires used to hold/move actors, products or parts of sets
  • Beauty Cleanup / Retouching

    • Removing blemishes or marks from actors or products
  • Digital Paint Cleanup

    • Painting out logos, signs, miscellaneous undesired objects from shots
  • Enhancing / Integrating Wounds

    • Painting wounds or blemishes to composite on actor or object as well as enhancing ones that are already present in shot
  • Matte Painting

    • Painting set items or extensions to be integrated in compositing
  • Rotoscoping

    • Rotoscoping actors or objects to accurately separate them from footage

3D General/design

  • CG Modeling

    • Hard surface modeling of objects, digital sculpting, environment design, etc
  • Texturing & Lighting

    • Procedural texturing, 3D painting, Photogrammetry, UV mapping
  • Set Extensions

    • Modeling interior / exterior environments to match and be composited with footage. It can be as simple as a basic item or as complex as a vast background.
  • Animation / Simulation

    • Animation of objects, such as machines, vehicles, products, etc
    • FX simulations such as smoke, fire, rain, snow, magic particles, etc
    • Rigid body simulations where hard surface objects interact and use physics, and can include breaking/cracking/shattering/etc
    • Soft body simulations of deforming objects, where squashing/stretching and tearing/ripping may occur