Visual Effects
CG Integration
Multi-pass compositing CG renders into live-action plates, matching lighting, grading, motion-blur, depth-of-field, film grain, etc
Keying footage shot on Green/Bluescreen and integrating with other plates
Screen Inserts
Track and composite graphic/footage inserts into Cell Phone, Monitor, Smart Watch, Televisions, etc
Blood / Wound / Bullet / Muzzle Flashes / Smoke
For weapon fighting scenes, we create elements and integrate them believably
Paint / Rotoscoping
Rig / Wire Removal
Painting out rigs or wires used to hold/move actors, products or parts of sets
Beauty Cleanup / Retouching
Removing blemishes or marks from actors or products
Digital Paint Cleanup
Painting out logos, signs, miscellaneous undesired objects from shots
Enhancing / Integrating Wounds
Painting wounds or blemishes to composite on actor or object as well as enhancing ones that are already present in shot
Matte Painting
Painting set items or extensions to be integrated in compositing
Rotoscoping actors or objects to accurately separate them from footage
3D General/design
CG Modeling
Hard surface modeling of objects, digital sculpting, environment design, etc
Texturing & Lighting
Procedural texturing, 3D painting, Photogrammetry, UV mapping
Set Extensions
Modeling interior / exterior environments to match and be composited with footage. It can be as simple as a basic item or as complex as a vast background.
Animation / Simulation
Animation of objects, such as machines, vehicles, products, etc
FX simulations such as smoke, fire, rain, snow, magic particles, etc
Rigid body simulations where hard surface objects interact and use physics, and can include breaking/cracking/shattering/etc
Soft body simulations of deforming objects, where squashing/stretching and tearing/ripping may occur